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Non-Major Auditions

Non-Major Auditions with Faculty or T.A.

Instrumental and vocal lessons are available to non-majors in faculty and T.A. studios on a space-available basis. All interested students must audition in September, prior to the start of Fall Quarter. Learn more about courses and opportunities for non-majors.
Your live performance audition will be limited to 10-15 minutes, including entrance, performance and exit. Please prepare using the guidelines found for your instrument on the Suggested Audition Repertoire list. You may contact the studio faculty with questions regarding audition repertoire. Please contact with any other questions or concerns. 

Sign-ups are available online at

Non-Major Audition Dates - Fall 2023 entrance

Audition Type Location Date
Non-Major Lessons with Faculty Auditions
Fishbowl September 22, 2023
For more details on non-major auditions and other opportunities, review our non-majors courses and opportunities page or please stop by the Advising Office or email

Piano Auditions with T.A.

Piano lessons with a T.A. are available to all students at the UW following a placement audition. Lessons are taught one-on-one or in a group setting. For more information, please visit the Secondary Piano Page.

